

  • Families can register any time during the calendar term for a prorated weekly rate.
  • All proposed Kindermusik Classes will require a 4 Family Minimum.  If your desired time is not initially covered within 24 hours of the first scheduled class, Groove City Kids Music will contact you to make other arrangements.


  • As of November 1st, 2024: Only Credit or Debit Card Payments will be accepted.  All automatic credit card term payments are processed online on the date indicated at registration.  
  • Cost for the term session is prorated based on enrollment date. Tuition for a typical term can be broken down to $20 per Kindermusik class.  Current Piano & Guitar Lesson rates are $25 per 30 min private session.
  • Membership at Groove City Kids Music will roll over automatically from one term to the next.  If you need to pause your membership, please let me know a week prior to the next term’s start date.


  • Kindermusik Families have unlimited make-up classes within the same term as space permits. Piano & Guitar Families must contact their instructor via email for possible make-up dates.
  • There are no credits or refunds given for any unattended classes/lessons or for an unfinished term session.  Make-up Piano & Guitar Lessons are at the discretion of the instructor’s schedule.
  • If a class or lesson is cancelled by GCKM, we will offer a make-up date and/or a credit or refund to your account.
  • Families are financially responsible for the entire class tuition amount and any home materials that were purchased in addition to Kindermusik@Home Materials.


  • Your digital family resources will be delivered to your Kindermusik account on the first day of class. Via desktop or mobile, you’ll be able to:
    •   Stream all class music plus a level-specific “Best of” album
    • Access narrated books for storytime
    • Choose three additional songs to keep in the app (if not already included in the “Best of” album) at  any time and up to one week after your enrollment ends
    • And more!
  • If you do not already have a Kindermusik account, please visit https://my.kindermusik.com to set up your login credentials.
  • Once your account has been created, please download the free Kindermusik app (visit: kindermusik.com/app for details) and log in with your Kindermusik credentials to enjoy your digital materials on the go.
  • You will have access to these resources one week after the last class date or after your enrollment ends. Beyond that, you will retain your “Best of” album on the app, and three bonus tracks from class that you can select within your my.kindermusik.com account.


  • Membership at Groove City Kids Music will roll over automatically from one term to the next.  If you need to pause your membership, please email us at: stephanie@groovecitykidsmusic.com a week prior to the next term’s start date.

As a reminder: charges are made automatically on the date indicated at registration. Once a charge is processed, refunds will not be given and cancellation will be made for any future terms.